致態TiPro9000固態硬盤,作為致態品牌精心雕琢的首款PCIe 5.0旗艦級存儲力作,在技術與性能的疆場上實現了令人矚目的重大跨越。它以前瞻性的戰略眼光,率先運用了基于長江存儲新一代晶棧Xtacking4.0架構的閃存顆粒,如同為存儲系統注入了強勁的心臟。同時,巧妙融合先進的DRAM緩存與智能SLC緩存機制,如同精密的神經網絡,構建起了一個堅不可摧、高效運轉的強大存儲性能體系。
在讀寫速度的競技舞臺上,TiPro9000宛如脫韁的駿馬,一騎絕塵,表現尤為卓越非凡。其順序讀取速度風馳電掣,高達14,000MB/s,順序寫入速度同樣氣勢如虹,達到了驚人的 12,500MB/s。這般震撼的讀寫速率,幾乎是主流PCIe 4.0產品的雙倍之多,如同在存儲賽道上實現了一次質的飛躍。并且,它已無限逼近PCIe 5.0固態硬盤接口的理論速度上限,淋漓盡致地彰顯了其在存儲領域的王者風范與領先地位。
2.1 外觀
尺寸規格:致態TiPro9000采用M.2 2280規格設計,小巧的外形尺寸使其能夠輕松適配各種支持M.2接口的設備,如臺式電腦主板和筆記本電腦,滿足不同用戶的硬件升級和安裝需求。
2.2 架構
主控芯片:致態TiPro9000搭載了8通道的PCIe 5.0 SSD主控芯片,能夠高效管理和傳輸數據,充分發揮PCIe 5.0接口的帶寬優勢,實現超高速的數據讀寫性能,為用戶帶來極致的存儲體驗。
緩存模塊:1TB版本配備了1GB的LPDDR4 DRAM緩存,而2TB版本則配備了2GB的LPDDR4 DRAM緩存。這些獨立緩存模塊的存在,使得硬盤能夠輕松應對高負載和多任務應用場景,顯著提升讀寫速度和響應速度,確保系統在處理大量數據請求時依然保持流暢運行。
此外,eBird提供多種測試框架和接口,包括NVMe協議、應用層、整機掉電、PCIe Link和開發層級測試。它還包含協議覆蓋測試、PCIe Link測試套件、NVMe應用測試、功耗測量和Trace打印功能,幫助用戶深入分析和定位問題。
致態TiPro9000,作為致態品牌旗下的首款PCIe 5.0固態硬盤,憑借卓越的技術架構,成為存儲領域的耀眼新星。它采用基于長江存儲新一代晶棧Xtacking4.0架構的閃存顆粒,以先進的技術手段,深度挖掘并全面釋放閃存的潛在性能,為TiPro9000賦予了超強的動力內核。
消費級SSD的協議測試是確保其符合相關通信協議和性能標準的關鍵步驟。其中,NVMe協議測試是重點之一,主要針對支持NVMe協議的SSD,確保其符合NVMe 1.4或更高版本的標準,并驗證其與不同主控芯片和操作系統的兼容性。包括命令集、隊列管理、錯誤處理等功能的正確實現。
6.1 IOL測試
IOL(InterOperability Laboratory)NVMe Test協議測試是針對NVMe協議的測試。保證 NVMe 設備完全符合NVMe協議標準,使不同廠商的產品在遵循統一規范的基礎上進行設計和生產,從而在不同的系統和環境中能夠實現互操作性和兼容性。
產品通通過eBird提供的IOL NVMe Test協議測試,意味著在行業內獲得了權威認可,能夠增強廠商在市場上的競爭力,提高產品的市場占有率,有助于拓展業務和合作伙伴。eBird提供的IOL NVMe Test測試內容已經涵蓋UNH-IOL認證測試中的測試內容。
以下表格呈現的是借助eBird提供的IOL NVMe Test功能開展的一系列測試成果。在此次測試中,我們針對80個涵蓋不同功能模塊與應用場景的項目進行了全面且細致的檢驗,每一項測試均嚴格遵循既定標準與流程。令人欣喜的是,最終所有測試項目均順利通過,充分展現了TiPro9000在多樣化條件下的卓越性能與可靠性。
sCase Name | Feature | Result |
IdentifyCommand 01 | CNS=0x0 | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 02 | MAXDNA, MAXCNA, MNAN, NN | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 03 | NSID | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 04 | NGUID/EUI64 | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 05 | CNS=0xff to NSID 0x1 | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 06 | CNS 0x0, 0x2, 0x3,and CSI 0x0 | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 07 | CNS=0x5, CSI=0x1/0x2 | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 08 | CNS = 05h and NSID=FFFFFFFFh | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 09 | CNS=0x6, CSI=0x1/0x2 | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 10 | CNS=0xb, CSI=0x1 | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 11 | CNS=08h to NSID=FFFFFFFFh | Pass |
IdentifyCommand 12 | CNS 0x0 for NSID 0x1 | Pass |
FeatureCommand 01 | Feature: 0x1~0x10, value: 0x7, cdw12: 0x0, save: 0x0 | Pass |
FeatureCommand 02 | fid 0x6 and SEL field set to 0x0 | Pass |
FeatureCommand 03 | Get Feature command, sel=0x3 | Pass |
FeatureCommand 04 | FID: 0x3 (LBA Range Type) | Pass |
FeatureCommand 05 | SEL field in set features and get features commands | Pass |
FeatureCommand 06 | FID 0x3, 0x5, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84 with select field set to 0x11 | Pass |
FeatureCommand 07 | each supported FID attempted with NISD=0xffffffff | Pass |
FeatureCommand 08 | Set Feature: FID 0x81, SV=1 and HOSTID=0 | Pass |
FeatureCommand 09 | FID 0x3, SEL=1, NSID=1, to get Default value | Pass |
GetLogPage 01 | Entry 0~Entry 63 | Pass |
GetLogPage 02 | LID: 0xc0~0xff | Pass |
GetLogPage 03 | Get Log Page command to Reserved LID 0x00/6f | Pass |
GetLogPage 04 | Smart Log for NVME device | Pass |
GetLogPage 05 | Testing with Block size=512/1024/2048 | Pass |
GetLogPage 06 | Smart Log for NVME device after power cycle | Pass |
GetLogPage 07 | LID=0x7, LSP(Create)=0x1, RAE=0x0, Offset=0x0 | Pass |
GetLogPage 08 | Telemetry Host Initiated log page (LID=7h) | Pass |
FormatCommand 01 | Formatting all Namespaces test block | Pass |
FormatCommand 02 | Formatting using labf0, SES: 0x1, NSID: 0xffffffff. | Pass |
FormatCommand 03 | Formatting all Namespaces with 111b SES | Pass |
FormatCommand 04 | Formatting all Namespaces with invalid LBAF 3 and SES=0x0 | Pass |
FormatCommand 05 | Formatting all Namespaces with Invalid LBAF 3 and Invalid SES=111b | Pass |
FormatCommand 06 | Send Format Command: LBAF=0, NSID=0xffffffff | Pass |
FormatCommand 07 | Perform Format/Flush command at the same time | Pass |
DST Short 01 | Obtaining DST log page (LID=0x6) Device self-test completed | Pass |
DST Short 02 | DST operation 0x1 on namespace 0x1 | Pass |
DST Short 03 | DST operation 0x1 on namespace 0xffffffff | Pass |
DST Short 04 | DST operation 0x1 on Invalid Namespace 2 | Pass |
DST Short 05 | Self-test operation 0x1 on namespace 0x1/Starting another DST operation | Pass |
Abort Short DST 01 | self-test operation with STC=0x1 and NSID=0x00000000, then sending a DST abort command | Pass |
Abort Short DST 02 | self-test operation with STC=0x1 and NSID=0x1, then sending a DST abort command | Pass |
Abort Short DST 03 | self-test operation with STC=0x1 and NSID=0xffffffff, then sending a DST abort command | Pass |
Abort Short DST 04 | self-test operation with STC=0x1 and NSID=0x1 | Pass |
Abort Short DST 05 | Self-test command with STC=0x1, NSID=0x1,anitize Command with Action 0x2 | Pass |
Sanitize 01 | a Block Erase Sanitize command | Pass |
Sanitize 02 | a Sanitize command with Sanitize Action Set to 4 | Pass |
Sanitize 03 | Sanitize Command with Action=0x2 | Pass |
Sanitize 04 | Sanitize Command with Action=0x2, and No Deallocated After Sanitize=0 | Pass |
Sanitize 05 | sanitize action 0x2, Executing get-log page for LID: 81h | Pass |
DataSet 01 | NVM Command Set (CNS 0x06, CSI 0x00, NSID=0x0) | Pass |
DataSet 02 | Dataset Management command with NR=0x0, AD=0x1 | Pass |
DataSet 03 | Attribute Deallocate (AD) set to 1, setting Number Ranges (NR) to maximum value | Pass |
DataSet 04 | Attribute Deallocate (AD) set to 0x1, NR=0 | Pass |
DataSet 05 | Three smaller LBA ranges of three (LBAs 0-2, 3-5, 6-8) and LBA 9, | Pass |
Read 01 | Read at same LBA as written with LR=0 and FUA=0 | Pass |
Read 02 | Read with an SLBA equal to NSZE (4000797360) | Pass |
Read 03 | Read with a valid SLBA and with an NLBA that exceeds the range | Pass |
Read 04 | Read with an SLBA of 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 | Pass |
Read 05 | Read Command to a namespace id of 2 | Pass |
Read 06 | Read Command to a namespace id of 2 and an LBA that is out of range | Pass |
Read 07 | Read at same LBA as written with LR=0 and FUA=1 | Pass |
Read 08 | Read at same LBA as written with LR=1 and FUA=0 | Pass |
Write 01 | Write: Valid Write, LR=0, FUA=0 | Pass |
Write 02 | Write: SLBA out of Range | Pass |
Write 03 | Write: SLBA in range and NLB out of Range | Pass |
Write 04 | Write: SLBA out of Range but Lower Dword is 00000000 | Pass |
Write 05 | Write: Invalid Namespace | Pass |
Write 06 | Write: Invalid Namespace and SLBA out of Range | Pass |
Write 07 | Write: Valid Write, LR=1, FUA=1 | Pass |
Flush 01 | flush command to NSID: 0x1 | Pass |
Flush 02 | Send flush with invalid NSID | Pass |
Flush 03 | Bit 2:1 indicated as 0x3 in the VWC field | Pass |
Atomic 01 | two write commands of size 2048 bytes to NSID 0x1 | Pass |
End To End Protection 01 | command with known data pattern 0xaa to LBA0, PRCHK=0, and with PRACT=1 | Pass |
End To End Protection 02 | command with known data pattern 0xaa to LBA0, PRINFO=4 | Pass |
ControllerRegister 1 | CAP/MPSMAX/MPSMIN | Pass |
ControllerRegister 2 | CSS Multiple I/O Command Sets found: 0x0 | Pass |
ControllerRegister 3 | CAP (Controller Register) : 0x18004030f0011fff | Pass |
ControllerRegister 4 | Contiguous Queues Required (CQR) : 0x1 | Pass |
ControllerRegister 5 | Maximum Queue Entries Supported (MQES): 0x1fff | Pass |
NS Management 01 | Command with CNS=0x10, NSID=0x0 | Pass |
NS Management 02 | Command with CNS=0x2, NSID=0x0 | Pass |
NS Management 03 | Command with CNS=0x13, NSID=0x0, CNTLID=0x0 | Pass |
NS Management 04 | Command with CNS=0x0, NSID=0xffffffff | Pass |
NS Management 05 | Create NS Command: Select field= 0x0 | Pass |
NS Management 06 | Identify Command with CNS=0x2 | Pass |
PowerManagement 01 | Found NOPSS: 4 | Pass |
PowerManagement 02 | Verify the relative write throughput values are all less than the number of supported power states | Pass |
PowerManagement 03 | Set Feature complete successfully | Pass |
6.2 NVMe測試
非易失性內存快速互連(NVM Express)是一套開放的標準和信息集合,旨在充分展現非易失性內存在從移動設備到數據中心等各類計算環境中的優勢。最初的非易失性內存快速互連(NVM Express)工作組于2014年正式組建為非易失性內存快速互連(NVM Express)協會,該協會負責非易失性內存快速互連(NVM Express)規范的制定工作。目前,該組織擁有100多家成員公司。
SSD中的NVMe測試目的是為了確保NVMe SSD在性能、兼容性、可靠性和協議符合性等方面能夠滿足設計要求和用戶期望。以下是NVMe測試的主要目的:
驗證協議符合性:確保SSD嚴格遵循NVMe協議標準(如NVMe 1.4或更高版本),包括命令集、隊列管理、錯誤處理、電源管理等功能的正確實現。保證SSD能夠與支持NVMe協議的主機設備(如CPU、主板、操作系統)正常通信,避免因協議不兼容導致的故障或性能問題。
確保安全功能符合要求:測試SSD的硬件加密功能(如AES-256)、安全擦除功能以及NVMe協議定義的安全特性(如TCG Opal)是否正常。保護用戶數據安全,防止未經授權的訪問或數據泄露。
NVMe測試的核心目的是通過全面驗證SSD在協議符合性、性能、兼容性、可靠性、電源管理、安全功能等方面的表現,確保NVMe SSD能夠在消費級市場中提供高性能、高可靠性和高兼容性的存儲解決方案,滿足用戶對高速存儲設備的需求。
Case Type | Feature | Result |
4k Valid PRP | 4k Data with Valid PRP, only use PRP1, PRP2 not used | Pass |
4k Valid PRP | 4k Data with Valid PRP, PRP1 with dword aligned offset, PRP2 without offset | Pass |
4k Invalid PRP | 4k Data with Invalid PRP, PRP1 with dword aligned offset, PRP2 with dword aligned offset | Pass |
4k Invalid PRP | 4k Data with Invalid PRP, PRP1 with offset, the offset is not dword aligned, PRP2 without offset | Pass |
8k Valid PRP | 8k Data with Valid PRP, PRP1, PRP2 without offset | Pass |
8k Valid PRP | 8k Data with Valid PRP, PRP1 with dword aligned offset, PRP2 is list without offset | Pass |
8k Invalid PRP | 8k Data with Invalid PRP, PRP1 without offset, PRP2 is list with qword aligned offset | Pass |
8k Invalid PRP | 8k Data with Invalid PRP, PRP1 with dword aligned offset, PRP2 is list without offset | Pass |
12k Valid PRP | 12k Data with Valid PRP, PRP1, PRP2 without offset | Pass |
12k Valid PRP | 12k Data with Valid PRP, PRP1 with dword aligned offset, PRP2 is list without offset | Pass |
12k Invalid PRP | 12k Data with Invalid PRP, PRP1 without offset, PRP2 is list without offset | Pass |
12k Invalid PRP | 12k Data with Invalid PRP, PRP1 without offset, PRP2 is list with dword aligned offset | Pass |
Compare | Compare and Write uncorrectable command | Pass |
Compare | Compare invalid NSID | Pass |
Compare | Compare invalid DSLBANLB | Pass |
Compare | Compare invalid SLBA | Pass |
Compare | Compare LBA0 | Pass |
Compare | Compare max SLBA | Pass |
Flush | Flush all NS | Pass |
Flush | Flush invalid NS | Pass |
Flush | Flush valid NS | Pass |
Read | Read invalid NSID | Pass |
Read | Read invalid SLBA | Pass |
Read | Read invalid SLBA NLB | Pass |
Read | Read max SLBA | Pass |
Read | Read with FUA | Pass |
Read | Read with LBA0 | Pass |
Read | Read with limit retry | Pass |
Verify | Verify invalid NSID | Pass |
Verify | Verify invalid SLBA | Pass |
Verify | Verify invalid SLBA NLB | Pass |
Write | Write invalid NSID | Pass |
Write | Write invalid SLBA | Pass |
Write | Write invalid SLBA NLB | Pass |
Write | Write max SLBA | Pass |
Write | Write with FUA | Pass |
Write | Write with LBA0 | Pass |
Write | Write with limit retry | Pass |
WriteUncorrectable | Write uncorrectable invalid NSID | Pass |
WriteUncorrectable | Write uncorrectable invalid SLBA | Pass |
WriteUncorrectable | Write uncorrectable invalid SLBA PLUS NLB | Pass |
WriteUncorrectable | Write uncorrectable max NLB | Pass |
WriteUncorrectable | Write uncorrectable max SLBA | Pass |
WriteUncorrectable | Write uncorrectable trim | Pass |
WriteUncorrectable | Write uncorrectable write | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple LBA range | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple LBA range safe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple LBA range stress | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple LBA range stress safe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple LBA range stress unsafe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple LBA range unsafe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple range then write | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple range then write safe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple range then write stress | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple range then write stress safe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple range then write stress unsafe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim multiple range then write unsafe power cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim full drive | Pass |
DataSet | Trim out of LBA range | Pass |
DataSet | Trim overlapping range | Pass |
DataSet | Trim read write same time | Pass |
DataSet | Trim NR Value Maximum | Pass |
DataSet | Trim correct range deallocated | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate Multiple Ranges | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate with Controller Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate withPCIe Flr | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate withPCIe Hot Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate withPCIe Link Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate withPCIe Warm Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate with Power Cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim Deallocate with Safe Power Cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format CMD | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format with Controller Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format withPCIe Flr | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format withPCIe Hot Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format withPCIe Link Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format withPCIe Warm Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format with Power Cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with format with Safe Power Cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitize | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitize Controller Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitizePCIe Flr | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitizePCIe Hot Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitizePCIe Link Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitizePCIe Warm Reset | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitize Power Cycle | Pass |
DataSet | Trim with sanitize Safe Power Cycle | Pass |
1. L0s(L0 Standby,即 L0 待機狀態)
2. L1(L1 ASPM)
7.1.1 L0s狀態下的讀寫功耗、電壓及性能測試 L0s R70W30 Rand 4K L0s Read Rand 4k L0s Write Rand 4k
7.1.2 L1狀態下的讀寫功耗、電壓及性能測試 L1 R70W30 Rand 4k L1 Read Rand 4k L1 Write Rand 4k
7.2 NVMe的PS0~PS4功耗測試
7.2.1 PS0狀態下的功耗、電壓和性能測試
PS0(Power State 0):全速狀態,這是NVMe設備的最高性能狀態,設備在此狀態下可以提供最大的IOPS和吞吐量。 PS0 R70W30 Rand 4k PS0 Read Rand 4k PS0 Write Rand 4k
7.2.2 PS1狀態下的功耗、電壓和性能測試
PS1(Power State 1):低功耗狀態,比PS0狀態消耗的功率低,但性能也相應降低。PS1狀態通常用于設備不需要全速運行時,以減少能耗。 PS1 R70W30 Rand 4k PS1 Read Rand 4k PS1 Write Rand 4k
7.2.3 PS2狀態下的功耗、電壓和性能測試
PS2(Power State 2):更低功耗狀態,比PS1狀態的功耗更低,性能也進一步降低。PS2狀態適用于設備長時間不活躍時,以進一步節省能源。 PS2 R70W30 Rand 4k PS2 Read Rand 4k PS2 Write Rand 4k
7.2.4 PS3狀態下的功耗、電壓和性能測試
PS3(Power State 3):非操作狀態,設備在此狀態下不消耗功率,但需要更長的時間來恢復到工作狀態。PS3狀態是一種深度睡眠狀態,適用于設備預期長時間不被訪問的情況。 PS3 R70W30 Rand 4k PS3 Read Rand 4k PS3 Write Rand 4k
7.2.5 PS4狀態下的功耗、電壓和性能測試
PS4(Power State 4):深度非操作狀態,比PS3狀態的功耗更低,但恢復到工作狀態的時間也更長。PS4狀態是NVMe設備最深的電源狀態,通常用于設備預期長時間不使用的情況。 PS4 R70W30 Rand 4k PS4 Read Rand 4k PS4 Write Rand 4k
7.3 電壓測試
7.3.1 Voltage 10minus R70W30 Rand 4k
7.3.2 Voltage 10minus Read Rand 4k
7.3.3 Voltage 10minus Write Rand 4k
7.3.4 Voltage 10plus R70W30 Rand 4k
7.3.5 Voltage 10plus Read Rand 4k
7.3.6 Voltage 10plus Write Rand 4k
在當今高速存儲需求激增的時代,存儲設備的性能、功耗與協議兼容性成為衡量其優劣的關鍵指標。TiPro9000作為一款備受矚目的NVMe SSD產品,在各項測試中均展現出了卓越不凡的實力。
在IOL/NVMe協議測試的嚴苛考驗下,TiPro9000猶如精密運轉的機械,完美契合 NVMe 2.0協議標準。從命令集的精準執行,到隊列管理的有條不紊,再到錯誤處理的及時高效,每一項功能都得到了正確無誤的實現,充分彰顯了其優異的協議兼容性與堅如磐石的穩定性。
在性能表現上,TiPro9000更是將PCIe Gen5接口的高帶寬優勢發揮得淋漓盡致。其順序讀寫速度猶如疾風驟雨,迅猛而流暢;隨機讀寫性能也同樣出類拔萃,達到了行業領先的卓越水平。尤其是在多隊列深度測試中,TiPro9000的并行處理能力猶如千軍萬馬,勢不可擋,顯著超越了同類產品,能夠輕松應對各種高負載場景,為用戶帶來了前所未有的極速體驗。
在功耗管理方面,TiPro9000同樣表現出色,堪稱節能典范。在 PCIe L0s/L1低功耗狀態下,其功耗控制達到了令人驚嘆的優秀水準,能夠迅速在工作模式與低功耗模式之間切換,猶如靈動的舞者,輕盈而高效,有效降低了設備在閑置狀態下的能耗。同時,在NVMe PS0~PS4不同電源狀態的切換測試中,TiPro9000仿佛擁有了智能的 “大腦”,能夠根據負載的變化動態調整功耗,實現了高性能與低功耗的完美平衡。特別是在PS4深度睡眠狀態下,其功耗更是降至極低水平,猶如夜空中的螢火蟲,微弱而持久,為移動設備的電池續航時間帶來了顯著的延長。
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