Maxim公司的MAX77640/MAX77641是具有3輸出SIMO,150mA LDO和加電順序器的超低功耗PMIC,集成了3輸出單電感多輸出(SIMO)降壓-升壓穩壓器,150mA LDO和三路電流沉驅動器,工作電壓2.7V-5.5V,輸出電壓0.8V -5.25V可調,主要用在藍牙耳機和耳塞,可穿戴如健美,健康和活動監視器,照相機,可穿戴照相機和物聯網(IoT)小型電器。本文介紹了MAX77640/MAX77641主要優勢和特性,詳細框圖和簡化應用電路,以及評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK優勢和特性,框圖,電路圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖。
The MAX77640/MAX77641 are a low-IQ power solutionfor applications where size and efficiency are critical. Thedevice integrates a 3-output single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO) buck-boost regulator, a 150mA LDO, and a3-channel current-sink driver.The SIMO operates on an input between 2.7V and 5.5V.
The outputs are independently programmable between0.8V and 5.25V depending on ordering option. Each outputis a buck-boost with glitchless transition between buckand boost operation. The SIMO can support 》300mAloads (1.8VOUT, 3.7VIN)。
The 150mA LDO provides ripple rejection for noise-sensitiveapplications. The current sinks can be programmedto blink LEDs in custom patterns. The device integratesa power sequencer to control power-up/down order ofeach output. Default output voltages and sequence orderare factory-programmable. An I2C serial interface furtherconfigures the device.
The MAX77640/MAX77641 are available in a 30-bumpwafer-level package (WLP)。 Total solution size is 16mm2.For a similar product with a battery charger, refer to theMAX77650.
● Compact, High-Efficiency Power Solution
? 3-Output Single-Inductor Multiple-Output (SIMO)Buck-Boost Regulator
? 150mA LDO
? 3-Channel Current-Sink Driver
? Flexible Power Sequencing
? GPIO and Reset Output
● 3-Output SIMO Extends Battery Life
? 2.7V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range from Single CellLi-Ion
? 0.8V to 5.25V Output Voltage Range
? Supports 》300mA loads (1.8VOUT, 3.7VIN)
? Improves Overall System Efficiency while ReducingSize
? Maintains Regulation without Dropout unlikeTraditional Bucks
? Glitchless Buck-Boost Operation
● Low Quiescent Current
? 300nA Shutdown Current
? 5.6μA Operating Current (3 SIMO Channels andLDO On)
● Small Size
? 2.75mm x 2.15mm (0.7mm max heigh) WLP
? 30-Bump, 0.4mm Pitch, 6 x 5 Array
? 16mm2 Total Solution Size
● Hearables: Bluetooth Headphones and Earbuds
● Wearables: Fitness, Health, and Activity Monitors
● Action Cameras, Wearable/Body Cameras
● Internet of Things (IoT) Gadgets
評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK
The MAX77640/MAX77641 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested printed circuit board (PCB) that demonstrates the MAX77640/MAX77641. The EV kit allows for easy evaluation of the MAX77640/MAX77641 resources, including the SIMO, LDO, GPIO, current sinks, and I2C interface.
Windows?-based software provides a user-friendly graph-ical interface (GUI) as well as a detailed register-based interface to exercise the features of the MAX77640/ MAX77641.
評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK優勢和特性:
Easy to Use GUI Drives I2C Interface
Red/Green/Blue LED
Fully Assembled and Tested
Emulates System Loading On-Board Electronic Load for LDO and SIMO Buck Boost Outputs
Electronic Load has Steady-State, Transient, and Random Modes
Evaluates Both Push-Button and Slider-Switch On-Key Options
圖4.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK外形圖
圖5.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK正面圖
圖6.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK背面圖
圖7.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK框圖
圖8.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK電路圖(1)
圖9.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK電路圖(2)
圖10.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK電路圖(3)
圖11.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK電路圖(4)
評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK材料清單:
圖12.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK PCB設計圖(1):頂層絲印
圖13.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK PCB設計圖(2):底層絲印
圖14.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK PCB設計圖(3):制造筆記
圖15.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK PCB設計圖(4):頂層布局
圖16.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK PCB設計圖(5):內層2
圖17.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK PCB設計圖(6):內層3
圖18.評估板MAX77640/MAX77641 EVK PCB設計圖(7):底層
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