Mixed-mode switching circuits distinguish themselves from other circuits
by including switches that are either clocked externally or controlled
internally. These circuits have found broad applications in telecommunication
networks, instrumentation, and power electronic systems, to
name a few. It is the emergence of switched capacitor networks in the
early 1970s and switched current circuits in late 1980s that sparked
a broad interest in and the rapid development of computer methods
and numerical algorithms for analysis and design of mixed-mode switching
circuits. Recent advance in mixed analog-digital circuits and the
systems-on-chip realization of complex electronic systems have further
stimulated the enthusiasm of both the academia and industry in mixedmode
switching circuits as these circuits provide a viable and yet economical
means to realize both analog and digital systems on a silicon
substrate using low-cost digitally-oriented CMOS technologies.
As compared with time-invariant circuits, the time-varying characteristics,
incomplete charge transfer, inconsistent initial conditions, and
th under-sampling of broadband noise of mixed-mode switching circuits
significantly complicate the analysis of these circuits, both in the time
domain and frequency domain. Since the early 1970s, a significant effort
has been made on the development of computer methods for the
analysis and design of mixed-mode switching circuits. Many novel computer
methods and numerical algorithms have emerged. A systematic
presentation of these methods and an in-depth assessment of their advantages
and limitations, however, are not available presently. This book is an
attempt to summarize the recent advance in computer methods for mixed-mode switching circuits and to provide an in-depth and comprehensive
assessment on the pros and cons of these methods.
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