The ADG726/ADG732 are monolithic, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) 32-channel and dual 16-channel analog multiplexers. The ADG732 switches one of 32 inputs (S1 to S32) to a common output, D, as determined by the 5-bit binary address lines A0, A1, A2, A3, and A4. The ADG726 switches one of 16 inputs as determined by the 4-bit binary address lines A0, A1, A2, and A3. On-chip latches facilitate microprocessor interfacing. The ADG726 may also be configured for differential operation by tying CSA and CSB together. An EN input is used to enable or disable the devices. When disabled, all channels are switched off. These multiplexers are designed on an enhanced submicron process that provides low power dissipation yet gives high switching speed, very low on resistance, and leakage currents. They operate from a single supply of +1.8 V to +5.5 V and a ±2.5 V dual supply, making them ideally suited to a variety of applications. On resistance is in the region of a few ohms and is closely matched between switches and very flat over the full signal range. These devices can operate equally well as either multiplexers or demultiplexers and have an input signal range that extends to the supplies. In the off condition, signal levels up to the supplies are blocked. All channels exhibit break-before-make switching action, preventing momentary shorting when switching channels. The ADG726/ADG732 are available in a 48-lead LFCSP or a 48-lead TQFP. For functionally equivalent devices with serial interface, see the ADG725/ADG731.
- ADG726ADG732 16-32通道,4歐姆,+1.8 V至+5.5 V和±2.5 V模擬多路復用器數據表
- ADG604:1 PC電荷注入,100 pA漏電CMOS±5 V/5 V/3 V 4通道多路復用器數據表
- ADG529A:CMOS鎖存4通道模擬多路復用器
- ADG528A:CMOS鎖存8通道模擬多路復用器
- ADG508A/ADG509A:CMOS 4/8通道模擬多路復用器數據表
- ADG1208/ADG1209:低電容,4/8通道,±15 V/+12 V<span class=“模擬耦合器”>I</span>CMOS多路復用器數據表
- ADG798:高溫低壓8通道多路復用器數據表
- ADG725/ADG731:16/32通道,串行控制4Ω1.8V至5.5V,±2.5V,模擬多路復用器數據表
- ADG506A/ADG507A:CMOS 8/16通道模擬多路復用器數據表
- ADG804:0.5ΩCMOS1.65V至3.6V 4通道多路復用器數據表
- ADG429:LC2MOS可鎖存4/8通道高性能模擬多路復用器過時數據表
- AD7506:CMOS 8通道和16通道模擬多路復用器數據表
- ADG726/ADG732:16/32通道,4歐姆,+1.8 V至+5.5 V和±2.5 V模擬多路復用器數據表
- ADG5206/ADG5207:高壓防閂鎖型8/16通道多路復用器
- ADG726/ADG732,pdf datasheet (3
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