Abstract This paper presents a new algorithm for edge detection based on homogeneity and time adaptive self-organizing neural networks (TASOM). Firstly, the method uses homogeneity to extract the candidate edge points, and constructs the TASOM network according to these points; and then, make the edge points detected by Canny operator as
feature points of the TASOM network; finally, the weights of TASOM are updated to achieve the adding and deletion of neurons automatically by comparing the difference between control points and feature points; consequently, the aims that remaining the continuity of the edges and deleting the redundant points are achieved. The experimental results show that the
proposed method is superior to other algorithms.
Keywords homogeneous;canny operator;TASOM;edge detection;feature points
Abstract This paper presents a new algorithm for edge detection based on homogeneity and time adaptive self-organizing neural networks (TASOM). Firstly, the method uses homogeneity to extract the candidate edge points, and constructs the TASOM network according to these points; and then, make the edge points detected by Canny operator as
feature points of the TASOM network; finally, the weights of TASOM are updated to achieve the adding and deletion of neurons automatically by comparing the difference between control points and feature points; consequently, the aims that remaining the continuity of the edges and deleting the redundant points are achieved. The experimental results show that the
proposed method is superior to other algorithms.
Keywords homogeneous;canny operator;TASOM;edge detection;feature points
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