提出了基于Web Service(web 服務)的系統應用集成解決方案。通過對Web Services 的技術特點,體系結構及其關鍵技術的討論,設計了基于Web Service 的分布式巖心圖像掃描及綜合分析管理系統應用集成模型,并利用.NET 技術,VC++和C#編程語言進行了系統應用集成的實現。
關鍵詞: Web 服務;分布式系統;系統集成;可擴展標記性語言;簡單對像訪問協議
Abstract: A novel method set out from actual application background of the core image
compositive analysis management system to implement the application integration of the system was presented,It was based on web service. Web services is a service-oriented architecture with the specific features of co-operation regardless of the platforms. A discussion to the architecture and the kernel techniques of web services is given,a model of the distributed core image compositive analysis management syste application integration was desianed and implemented by using .NET technology, C# programme language.
Key words: Web Service; Distributed System; System Integration; XML ;SOAP
提出了基于Web Service(web 服務)的系統應用集成解決方案。通過對Web Services 的技術特點,體系結構及其關鍵技術的討論,設計了基于Web Service 的分布式巖心圖像掃描及綜合分析管理系統應用集成模型,并利用.NET 技術,VC++和C#編程語言進行了系統應用集成的實現。
關鍵詞: Web 服務;分布式系統;系統集成;可擴展標記性語言;簡單對像訪問協議
Abstract: A novel method set out from actual application background of the core image
compositive analysis management system to implement the application integration of the system was presented,It was based on web service. Web services is a service-oriented architecture with the specific features of co-operation regardless of the platforms. A discussion to the architecture and the kernel techniques of web services is given,a model of the distributed core image compositive analysis management syste application integration was desianed and implemented by using .NET technology, C# programme language.
Key words: Web Service; Distributed System; System Integration; XML ;SOAP
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