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電子發燒友網>電源/新能源>電源設計應用>Power Efficiency in Next-Gener

Power Efficiency in Next-Gener


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美高森美為新一代Iridium NEXT衛星群項目提供器件支持

Space、SpaceX及其項目分包商成功發射首批10顆Iridium NEXT衛星。Iridium NEXT是Iridium新一代衛星群,代替及增強其覆蓋全球的現有近地軌道衛星網絡。該項目采用了美高森美20多萬個非常適合衛星通信應用的器件。
2017-03-28 01:02:301536

今日看點丨華為 HarmonyOS NEXT 鴻蒙星河版第四季度商用;博世計劃2026年底前裁員1200人

1. 華為 HarmonyOS NEXT 鴻蒙星河版第四季度商用,第二季度啟動開發者 Beta ? 在鴻蒙生態千帆啟航儀式,華為宣布 HarmonyOS NEXT 鴻蒙星河版系統開發者預覽版開放申請
2024-01-19 10:47:29770

12V/2A 輸出隔離式反激交流至直流轉換器

, 12V@2a output76.6% efficiency at 10% load130mA No load power disappationExcellent Output voltage regulation achieved`
2015-04-30 11:28:16


描述PMP10949 is a high-efficiency LLC power supply reference design converting from 380VDC input
2018-09-03 09:56:14

432W High-Efficiency Single-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter Reference Design

`描述PMP10509 is a High-Efficiency Single-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter using the LM25117
2015-04-15 09:39:48


描述The TIDA-00705 is an ultra-compact (1”x1”x1”) high efficiency bi-directional DC-DC power
2018-11-27 14:53:46

5mm Round High Efficiency LED封裝尺寸及參數說明

5mm Round High Efficiency LED封裝尺寸及參數說明產品說明:ChipMaterial:GapEmitted Color:Greenλσ(nm):570Lens Color
2008-09-28 17:46:48

9V至15V輸入支持英特爾Pentium N3700的面向工業PC的高功率密度電源設計包括光繪文件及BOM

PWM architecture with TI power stages for high power density, high efficiency, and low component
2018-08-21 07:52:12

Power in Band Express VI和ZOOM POWER有何區別?

Power in Band Express VI和ZOOM POWER有何區別?沒看明白怎么用呢?直接連接波形數據連接不了,大神請賜教
2017-11-29 19:55:01

A 160 W CRT TV Power Supply using NCP1337

A 160 W CRT TV Power Supply using NCP1337Valley switching converters, also known asquasi?resonant
2009-03-27 16:03:33


2024-03-14 20:43:23


2024-03-14 20:38:30

Altera的MAX 10 FPGA完整的電源解決方案包括BOM及層圖

描述The TIDA-01366 (also known as PMP9799) demonstrates a complete power solution for Altera's MAX
2018-09-26 09:14:47

Characterizing and Modeling the Impact of Power/Ground Via Arrays on Power Pl

Characterizing and Modeling the Impact of Power/Ground Via Arrays on Power Plane
2009-07-01 18:03:56


, but not practical at this power level. Thetransformer supply offers isolation and better efficiency
2009-05-12 11:01:35


efficiency, high performance andhigh power converters continues to expand. Demand forsmaller, lighter
2009-05-12 11:13:19

Implementing next-generration Passive Optical Network Designs with FPGAs

Implementing next-generration Passive Optical Network Designs with FPGAs
2012-08-13 22:20:00

PADS Power基礎教程

  PADS Power(含Power Logic及 PowerPcb兩部分)是PADS Software Inc.公司的有悠入歷史的EDA產品系列中的最新版本軟件,提供了解決電子電路設計從邏輯
2019-04-26 15:31:09


93% efficiency and consumes less than 50mW of standby power.主要特色Universal line input 85VAC
2018-07-13 06:37:04

Reference Design - High Efficiency Two-Phase Synchronous Buck Delivers 300W

at 300KHz (per phase) delivers small size and greater than 96% efficiency.特性Efficiency approaches 97
2015-04-20 09:55:23

STM32 DynaMIC Efficiency器件有哪些性能

stm32F401微控制器屬于STM32 DynaMIC Efficiency器件范圍。 這些器件提供了動態功耗(運行模式)和處理性能之間的最佳平衡,同時在3x3mm的小封裝內集成了大量的增值特性
2021-11-25 07:11:48

VS3620GEMC 30V/40A N-Channel Advanced Power MOSFET

and High efficiency ? 100% Avalanche testV DS 30 V R DS(on),TYP@ VGS=10 V 4.9 m? R DS(on),TYP@ VGS=4.5 V
2021-09-06 15:27:04

VS4620GEMC 40V/36A N-Channel Advanced Power MOSFET

`Features? Enhancement mode? VitoMOS? Ⅱ Technology? Fast Switching and High efficiency? 100
2021-07-29 16:42:01

VSO009N06MS-GS 60V/15A N-Channel Advanced Power MOSFET

Features ? Enhancement mode? VitoMOS? Ⅱ Technology ? Fast Switching and High Efficiency ? 100
2021-09-06 15:16:23

ZCC66099同步升壓加LDO 替代SGM66099

Efficiency at Low Output Power ●Regulated Output Voltage in Down Mode ●True Disconnection During Shutdown
2020-12-21 16:21:12

leakage power是指什么

基于當下主流CMOS 的 IC 電路,PPA 中的之一power 的重要性是Icer的共識.Power = Leakage Power + Dynamic Power(internal power
2022-06-09 17:57:01

rt-studio編譯make not found in PATH,如何配置PATH才可以順利編譯RISC-V工程?

2022-03-18 11:27:35

【Nvidia英偉達上海熱招】ASIC Power Engineer

:· Create a methodology/algorithm to evaluate power efficiency on high-level(architecture) designs.
2017-06-28 10:45:29


(...)主要特色 High-power-density, high-efficiency PFC design to power systems up to 6.6 kWHalf-bridge-
2018-10-15 15:05:19


描述This reference design includes a complete power management solution for a standalone emergency
2018-12-21 11:45:16

為什么leakage power如此重要

power是由哪些部分組成的?為什么芯片的leakage power如此重要?
2021-10-25 08:36:07


This application note discusses the importance of MPPT efficiency testing. MPPT Efficiency
2018-10-24 10:47:16

低待機功耗的準諧振隔離型反激,90-265 VAC 輸入,24V/0.7A

in more than 82% efficiency for 1W output power and 90VAC input. In addition, the valley switching
2015-04-13 14:01:23

基于GaN的1kW CCM圖騰柱功率因數校正PFC轉換器參考設計

but efficient power converter.To achieve 99% efficiency, there are many design details that need to be taken
2018-11-23 16:19:59


描述PMP11438 is a vehicle used to compare three different power solutions for converting a 12V bus
2018-12-04 11:32:04

德州儀器推出基于ARM-Cortex?-M4F 的32位超低功耗單片機MSP432

of low-power leadership and expertise to provide maximum performance with optimal power efficiency
2018-06-21 07:47:08


描述The TIDA-01358 reference design provides a low BOM cost, high efficiency power stage solution
2018-09-27 09:12:28


`描述The design is a 400-W high efficiency battery charger power supply designed to charge wide range
2015-04-27 15:40:47


描述PMP40274 is a power module reference design solution for power train applications. The module
2018-09-30 09:14:12


Nearly 80% Total Efficiency92% Efficiency of DC/DC convertersUp to 36W of power deliveryCompact design allows for high power density
2018-09-11 08:56:55


`描述TIDA-00532 is a miniature, High Efficiency, low noise power supply for WLAN applications.特性Low
2015-04-22 10:17:15


FEATURES?Input Voltage Range: 4V-16V?Up to 20W Power Transfer?Integrated High Efficiency
2021-11-25 10:00:18

High Efficiency, Dual Output B

The power supply shown in Figure 1 is implemented using a simplebuck topology that allows for two
2009-06-28 22:40:2413

Next Generation Design and Ver

This volume brings out the proceedings of the workshop “Next Generation Designand Verification
2009-07-17 17:11:160

Next Generation Mobile Systems

Next Generation Mobile Systems 3G and Beyond:In Next Generation Mobile Systems the authors answer
2009-08-21 10:31:3810


70W high efficiency power amplifier with diagnostic facility:The TDA1562 is a monolithic integrated
2009-09-14 11:29:0338

Low Power Off line Digital PWM

technology to build peak current mode PWM flyback power supplies. The device provides high efficiency along with a number of key built-in protection
2009-11-11 15:17:3424

High Efficiency, Regulated Cha

Charge Pump vs. Ind. DC/DC ConverterPower conversion efficiency    over limit input
2009-11-20 14:27:297

PT4108 High Efficiency Boost H

The PT4108 is a compact, high efficiency, and low voltage step-up high brightness LED Driver
2009-12-04 14:46:4625

Power System Architecture with

, to improve power density and efficiency on system level, are researched. System behaviors and design considerations on battery charging/discharg
2010-02-21 17:25:1122

CAT4238 High Efficiency 10 LED

CAT4238 pdf,datasheet High Efficiency 10 LED Boost Converter The CAT4238 is a DC/DC step-up
2010-04-12 14:45:2314

CAT4201 350 mA High Efficiency

CAT4201 pdf,datasheet 350 mA High Efficiency Step Down LED Driver The CAT4201 is a high
2010-04-12 14:49:4429

Switcher Efficiency & Snubber

Switcher Efficiency & Snubber Design Agenda• SMPS Basics• Control Methods•
2010-04-14 11:06:5230

NCP5680 High Efficiency White

NCP5680 High Efficiency White LED Driver The NCP5680 product is a High Power charge pump
2010-04-19 14:08:0214

AMC7150,pdf,1.5A POWER LED DRI

few milliamps up to 1.5A. It allows highbrightness power LED operating at high efficiency from 4Vdcto 40Vdc. Up to 200
2010-04-24 09:26:0539

Charge Efficiency and Cell Agi

) charging and pulse charging. This application note compares these charge methods with respect to the effect each has on charge efficiency and c
2010-05-22 08:08:5718

TPA2015D1,pdf (2 W CONSTANT OU

The TPA2015D1 is a high efficiency Class-D audio power amplifier with battery-tracking SpeakerGuard
2010-06-14 11:20:4722

MAX98500,pdf (high-efficiency

The MAX98500 is a high-efficiency Class D audio amplifier that features an integrated boost
2010-06-15 08:48:5241

Designing a High-Efficiency WC

often, thissought after efficiency comes at a financial cost. The cellular industry is no different from other business inits ef
2010-07-08 17:34:408

Designing a High-Efficiency WC

often, thissought after efficiency comes at a financial cost. The cellular industry is no different from other business inits ef
2010-07-08 18:32:477

CGHV59070F 70 W, 4.4 - 5.9 GHz, 50 V, RF Power GaN HEMT

W POUT typical at 50 V? 14 dB Power Gain? 55% Drain Efficiency? Internally Match
2023-11-07 15:15:59

Agilent B1505A Power Device An

with next-generation curve tracer functionality that can accurately evaluate and characterize power devices at up to 3000 volts and
2010-08-12 10:00:1334

TPA2032D1,TPA2033D1,TPA2034D1,W high efficiency filter

efficiency filter–free class–D audio power amplifiers, each in an approximately 1.5–mm × 1.5–mm wafer chip s
2010-09-10 22:01:4625

DRV591,pdf(-3 A High-efficiency, high-current power amplifier)

The DRV591 is a high-efficiency, high-current power amplifier ideal for driving a wide variety
2010-09-26 02:12:0725

TPS92010,pdf(High Efficiency O

The TPS92010 is a PWM controller with advanced energy features to provide high efficiency driving
2010-09-27 21:28:1217

UCC27223,pdf(High-Efficiency p

The UCC27223 is a high-speed synchronous buck drivers for today’s high-efficiency, lower-output
2010-09-28 21:59:5616

TPS60251,pdf(High Efficiency C

The TPS60251 is a high efficiency, constant frequency charge pump DC/DC converter that uses a dual
2010-10-06 19:40:2627

TPS65040,pdf(Clock and Power M

optimized solution for UMTS/WCDMA/GSM power amplifier applications. This solution improves efficiency by voltage control of the power amplifier
2010-10-27 21:49:559

高效率升壓轉換剝奪并口-High-Efficiency St

Abstract: Circuit including a step-up switching converter steals power from a parallel port
2009-05-07 10:04:15657

A Compact, Isolated Power Supp

Abstract: This application notes describes a compact isolated switch-mode power supply
2009-05-07 10:08:541184

W-CDMA Power Supply Dramatical

W-CDMA Power Supply Dramatically Improves Transmit Efficiency Abstract: The MAX1820 switch-mode
2009-07-22 12:53:25660

High-efficiency Class D audio

High-efficiency Class D audio amplifiers extend battery life in portable applications
2010-09-22 09:21:101623


2011-04-08 09:55:50722

RDA6252 pdf(Power Amplifier Module)

The RDA6252 is a high-power, high-efficiency quad-band power amplifier Module. This device
2011-05-02 10:42:3066

RT9101 pdf(2.65W PWM Class-D Power Amplifier)

The RT9101 is a 2.65W, high efficiency Class-D audio amplifier featuring low-resistance internal
2011-05-06 09:45:0622

45.第4節 PowerBI高級:7.5 實踐-Power BI 的報表發布

充八萬發布于 2023-07-12 14:45:46


that meet Level V efficiency standards and exceed the current US EISA 2007 efficiency regulations.With a wide selection of output voltages and power levels,
2017-09-11 14:57:3714


第三章為算法與數據結構,本文為3.2 單向鏈表中的3.2.1 存值與存址和3.2.2 數據與p_next分離。
2017-09-19 17:32:206916


Applications :High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS :Uninterruptible Power Supply :High
2017-09-20 14:22:1110

Verint已完成對Next IT所有流通股權的收購,加快云及自動化能力發展

北京,2018年1月9日 — 慧銳系統Verint? Systems Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:VRNT)近日宣布,該公司已完成對Next IT公司及其子公司Next IT創新實驗室(統稱
2018-01-23 07:43:01786

基于TQM7M6025下的Power Amplifier Module

he TQM7M6025 PA Module integrates two high efficiency BiHEMT power amplifiers input band select
2018-08-03 11:29:002

基于TGA2625-CP下的10 to 11 GHz 17 W GaN Power Amplifier

output power, a power-added efficiency of 》 40 %, and power gain of 28 dB.
2018-08-03 11:29:003

大功率高效逆變電路,high Efficiency power inverter

大功率高效逆變電路,high Efficiency power inverter 關鍵字:大功率逆變電源制作,SG3524逆變電
2018-09-20 20:20:35658

美國成立“Next G Alliance”目的推動6G占領導地位

據外媒報道,美國電信行業解決方案聯盟(ATIS)近日宣布成立Next G Alliance(下一個G聯盟)。ATIS是一個由150家成員公司組成的貿易機構,業務涉及5G、物聯網、智慧城市和人工智能
2020-10-21 14:35:011773

LTM4645 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (6-15V to 1V @ 100A)

LTM4645 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (6-15V to 1V @ 100A)
2021-02-01 15:04:302

LTM4645 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (6-15V to 1V @ 75A)

LTM4645 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (6-15V to 1V @ 75A)
2021-02-01 15:08:300

LTC4647 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase Step-Down Power Regulator (6-15V to 1V @ 120A)

LTC4647 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase Step-Down Power Regulator (6-15V to 1V @ 120A)
2021-02-01 15:13:310

LTM4636-1 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase 160A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (4.7-15V to 0.9V @ 160A)

LTM4636-1 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase 160A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (4.7-15V to 0.9V @ 160A)
2021-02-03 10:55:132

LTM4636 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase 160A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (4.7-15V to 0.9V @ 160A)

LTM4636 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase 160A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (4.7-15V to 0.9V @ 160A)
2021-02-03 10:57:132

LTM4636 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase 80A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (4.7-15V to 0.9V @ 80A)

LTM4636 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency, PolyPhase 80A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator (4.7-15V to 0.9V @ 80A)
2021-02-03 11:03:132

LT8630 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency μPower Buck Regulator (13-100V to 12V @ 600mA)

LT8630 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency μPower Buck Regulator (13-100V to 12V @ 600mA)
2021-02-20 13:44:255

Cloudopt Next Java Kotlin輕量級的異步Web框架

2022-06-13 09:58:491

直擊云上新技術,Next ’22 中文精選課精彩回顧

技術驅動下,云計算的未來將通往何方?現代化云基礎架構、云原生戰略、大數據、AI 如何賦能各行各業、多元業務場景,助力中國出海企業著眼未來轉型? 今年 Next 大會 Google Cloud 圍繞
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Origin Q一周速覽:亞馬遜宣布加入Q-NEXT量子研究中心

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Origin Q一周速覽:摩根大通加入Q-NEXT量子研究中心

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倒計時 5 天,Next ’23 精彩待發!

以下文章來源于谷歌云服務,作者 Google Cloud ? 點擊屏末 ? |? 閱 讀 原 文 ?| ? 了解更多 Next ’23 詳情!頁面持續更新中~ 原文標題:倒計時 5 天,Next ’23 精彩待發! 文章出處:【微信公眾號:谷歌開發者】歡迎添加關注!文章轉載請注明出處。
2023-08-24 17:40:08378

MAX20429: Dual 6A High-Efficiency Low Voltage Buck Converter Data Sheet MAX20429: Dual 6A High-Efficiency Low Voltage Buck Converter Data Sh

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX20429: Dual 6A High-Efficiency Low Voltage Buck Converter Data Sheet相關產品參數、數據
2023-10-17 19:19:34

淘寶與華為合作將基于HarmonyOS NEXT啟動鴻蒙原生應用開發

1月25日,淘寶與華為舉辦鴻蒙合作簽約儀式,宣布將基于HarmonyOS NEXT啟動鴻蒙原生應用開發。
2024-01-26 16:14:32506


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