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電子發燒友網>模擬技術>AD技術>Understanding Voltage-Referenc

Understanding Voltage-Referenc


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正確的布局和元件選擇是控制EMI的關鍵 Abstract: Understanding the physics of voltage regulator topologies
2009-08-21 09:42:371346

線性電源LDO基礎知識(一):壓降Dropout Voltage

線性電源LDO基礎知識(一):壓降Dropout Voltage
2023-05-06 14:07:311536


2023-03-29 18:53:25


2023-03-29 20:58:13

Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2nd Edition 中文翻譯出版

`Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2nd Edition 中文翻譯版《Delta-Sigma 數據轉換器從入門到精通》已經出版了,在京東、天貓、當當都有銷售,敬請關注!`
2021-07-30 15:34:08


VOLTAGE QUADRUPLER USING TD310The TD310 is a triple MOS or IGBT driver whichintegrates all
2009-05-12 09:57:13


the voltage measured using the ADC on a c8051. The ref voltage I know is 2.4volts and it is using a 12bit
2018-09-26 17:24:35

Demo Read Voltage VI程序(Tutorial子模板)

初學labview,剛剛在做一個VI程序模擬溫度測量,需要使用Demo Read Voltage子程序來仿真電壓測量,說是在(Tutorial子模板)下,找了很多也找不到Tuorial模板,求大神指導,非常感謝!!!
2013-10-30 21:08:53

LTspice中 Voltage Controlled Switches的使用方法 精選資料分享

LTspice中 Voltage Controlled Switches的使用方法
2021-07-09 06:20:15

What does "voltage2" mean in ad9361 evaluation linux system?

voltage2", what does it mean? Which voltage does it mean in ad9361 board? I appreciate any useful information.
2018-08-03 08:40:45


necessary for the relatively slow disks.The third edition of Understanding the Linux Kernel takes you
2017-11-07 15:19:39

《Low Voltage Power MOSFETs Design, Performance and Applications》

`求書《Low Voltage Power MOSFETs Design, Performance and Applications》,這本書里主要講了什么內容?`
2021-06-22 08:07:36

【加急!】關于Demo Read Voltage的問題

各位大神,Demo Read Voltage到底是怎么個情況?我用的是LabVIEW 2013,在實例練習時,碰到一個Demo Read Voltage的東東,找遍了每一個犄角旮旯,都木有找
2014-03-18 10:00:11


powered device, the question sometimes arises of whether a Linear Voltage Regulator or a Switching
2018-10-24 09:45:34

求Demo Read Voltage子VI程序,

求Demo Read Voltage子VI程序,我用的是13版本,范例里沒有,上網查看說是新版本,這個子VI淘汰了。論壇了有人問過一樣的問題,但沒有資源~~
2015-01-10 12:30:56

詳細介紹LTspice的Voltage source器件設置

LTspice的Voltage source是我們必須了解的一個器件,任何一個仿真都會用到。下面詳細介紹這個器件的設置。首先,設置一個直流電壓,如下,直接輸入DC value即可,Series
2021-12-31 06:17:35

請教大家關于Analog supply voltage和Digital supply voltage的區別

各位前輩:在選擇一款陀螺儀,有如下兩個指標:Analog supply voltage 5VDigital supply voltage 3.3V因為根據使用條件,只能提供3.3v的電壓,不知道是不是能用所以想請問大家這兩個電壓分別代表什么意思?多謝!!!!
2017-06-05 17:05:12

請問LM337IMP的Dropout Voltage是多少?

請問LM337IMP的Dropout Voltage是多少? 應該一般是有這個參數的,跟輸出電流相關,有個最小最大管壓降什么的,但是datasheet里面沒有。這邊用-3.3V輸入并不能輸出-3V,用-5V輸入才能輸出-3V
2019-07-12 08:10:34

請問Output Voltage Range和Output Saturation Voltage有什么關系?

Voltage Range,但是讀到一個參數Output Saturation Voltage。 請看下面的數據: Output Saturation Voltage的字面意思是輸出飽和電壓。第一眼
2023-11-20 08:14:25

請問band-gap voltage是什么意思?

band-gap voltage是什么意思?
2023-06-27 07:05:47

請問一下BAND GAP voltage是多少伏?

在ACMP中有看到一種模式,參考的電壓是BAND GAP VOLTAGE,但是這個電壓多少伏,手冊里好像沒有說。 我想了解一下。謝謝……
2023-08-24 07:10:36


我的項目擴展了,我需要超過 32k 的閃存。在 CubeMX 中,無法更改 Mcu Referenc。可以不生成新項目來更改Mcu嗎?謝謝
2023-01-05 06:15:57

請問芯片的supply voltage是VDD-VSS還是只是VDD?

芯片的supply voltage是VDD-VSS還是只是VDD?懇求大佬們回答一下
2019-04-16 08:43:01

誰能提供Demo Voltage

誰能提供Demo Voltage Read.vi正在學Labview,用8.5的,看8.2的教程,但找不到這個模塊。
2012-10-31 12:10:51

11 擴散、漂移和勢壘 Diffusion, drift & barrier voltage

以夢為馬發布于 2021-08-04 17:56:29

Modeling voltage-controlled an

Modeling voltage-controlled and temperature-dependent resistorsAnalog Behavioral Modeling (ABM) can
2008-05-12 22:27:550

Adaptive Voltage Control in Po

Adaptive Voltage Control in Power Systems 1 The Voltage Control Problem in Power Systems
2008-11-03 21:22:260


The LM393 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage
2008-12-12 00:31:1743

VFC32 pdf datasheet (Voltage-t

The VFC32 voltage-to-frequency converter providesan output frequency accurately proportional
2008-12-18 20:56:4731

7812CT Voltage Regulator, +12

These voltage regulators are monolithic integrated circuits designedas fixed–voltage regulators
2009-01-19 17:17:4414

LVT (Low Voltage Technology) a

LVT (Low Voltage Technology) and ALVT (Advanced LVT)Philips Semiconductors has introduced two low
2009-03-30 00:19:3813

Understanding DSP

Understanding DSP:
2009-07-27 15:52:226

ADM1184,pdf datasheet (0.8% Ac

is required on the VCC pin to power the device.Four precision comparators monitor four voltage rails. Each comparator has a 0.6 V referenc
2009-08-25 10:30:5722

A New High Gain Low Voltage 1.

A New High Gain Low Voltage 1.45GHz CMOS Mixer:Abstract—A new architecture of CMOS downconversion
2009-09-08 20:41:489

Understanding the Effect of Cl

Understanding the Effect of Clock Jitter on High Speed ADCs:Digitizing high speed signals to a high
2009-09-23 22:58:329

淺談參考電壓(Voltage Reference)

淺談參考電壓(Voltage Reference) 大多數的模擬電路,都需要參考用的電壓、電流、或是『時間』。參考電壓提供一個準則,如DAC或ADC的LSB大小、穩壓器(Regulator)的輸出電壓位準、電池
2009-10-04 09:28:2331


a regulated output voltage withminimum voltage loss and requires a minimum number of externalcomponents. In addition, the ADP3605 does not
2009-10-23 08:52:4317

Understanding Modern Power MOS

Understanding Modern Power MOSFETs:• Explain what a board designer needs to know
2009-11-26 11:10:168

High Voltage Isolated/Non-Isol

High Voltage Isolated/Non-Isolated Power Supply Reference Designs:
2009-11-28 16:39:495

Understanding the Data Sheet:

Understanding the Data Sheet: PowerMOS:Allmanufacturers of powerMOSFETs provide a data sheetfor
2009-11-29 17:21:5917

Understanding Forward vs Backw

Understanding Forward vs Backward:Crosstalk can be a difficult phenomenon for PCBdesigners to grasp
2010-01-15 10:34:020

Voltage-Output DAC

Voltage-Output DAC GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD5532 is a 32-channel voltage-output 14-bit DAC withan
2010-04-07 10:23:4617

MLV Series Low Voltage Pressur

MLV Series Low Voltage Pressure Sensors The MLV Series Compensated Sensor is based on All Sensors
2010-05-14 16:59:5711

Bipolar Voltage Outputs for th

ABSTRACTA method for generating a symmetrical, bipolar, output swing voltage from
2010-06-08 10:14:008

DAC8560,pdf(16-Bit, Ultra-Low

includes a 2.5V, 2ppm/°C internal reference (enabled by default), giving a full-scale output voltage range of 2.5V. The internal referenc
2010-06-09 10:48:1043

Understanding VNA Measurement

•Comprehensive understanding of the Agilent VNA: how it operates, how to optimize
2010-07-16 23:28:526

TCA6408,pdf(Low-Voltage 8-Bit

特性 Operating Power-Supply Voltage Range of 1.65 V to 5.5 V Allows Bidirectional
2010-08-08 22:23:4420


The TL7660 is a CMOS switched-capacitor voltage converter that perform supply-voltage conversions
2010-09-13 19:12:1113

XTR111,pdf(Precision Voltage-t

The XTR111 is a precision voltage-to-current converter designed for the standard 0mA–20mA or 4mA
2010-09-26 00:20:3380

Low Cost, Two-Chip, Voltage -C

Low Cost, Two-Chip, Voltage -Controlled Amplifier and Video Switch
2010-10-02 09:20:0227


This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:14:2635


This series of fixed-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide range
2010-10-23 22:09:1921


This series of fixed-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide range
2010-10-23 22:21:4015


This series of fixed-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide range
2010-10-23 22:24:077


This series of fixed-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide range
2010-10-23 22:44:087


This series of fixed-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide range
2010-10-23 22:53:2310


This series of fixed negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide
2010-10-23 23:24:4614


The TL7757 is a supply-voltage supervisor designed for use in microcomputer and microprocessor
2010-10-23 23:56:4011

TPS65193,pdf(Dual High-Voltage

The TPS65193 is dual high-voltage scan driver to drive an amorphous-silicon-gate (ASG) circuit
2010-11-03 22:49:487


failures of the charging circuit. The IC continuously monitors the input voltage and the battery voltage. In case of an input over-voltag
2010-11-10 14:34:4512


failures of the charging circuit. The IC continuously monitors the input voltage, the input current and the battery voltage. In case of a
2010-11-10 14:49:0024

Analog ICs for Low Voltage Sys

Analog ICs for Low Voltage Systems Abstract: This article about low-voltage ICs discusses
2008-09-11 22:28:121451

Understanding the Effects of C

Understanding the Effects of Clock Tolerances on 50/60Hz Noise Rejection in High Performance Sigma
2008-10-06 13:56:41447

What is voltage stability?

What is voltage stability? Recently lEEE/CIGRE task force [1] proposed various definitions
2008-11-03 21:14:551385

Dual, Voltage-Output DAC Consu

Dual, Voltage-Output DAC Consumes Miniscule Power The dual, voltage-output DACs shown
2008-11-24 10:19:58882

Voltage Reference Vastly Reduc

Abstract: Using a shunt reference and op amp, a low-power, low-voltage series reference can
2009-02-02 15:57:541996

Controlling a Variable Voltage

Abstract: Semiconductor topic: Many linear and switched-mode power supplies and voltage regulators
2009-02-22 14:23:041406

A Quick Guide To Voltage Refer

Abstract: This application note discusses the three basic voltage reference topologies
2009-02-22 14:26:571154


理解物理拓撲結構的穩壓器是用于EMI和EMC設計 Abstract: Understanding the physics of voltage regulator topologies
2009-04-21 11:45:051316

Dual Voltage Tracking Circuit

Abstract: This note describes a dual tracking controller for a single I/O voltage and two core
2009-04-23 14:16:23880

Dual Voltage Tracking Circuit

Abstract: This note describes a dual tracking controller for a single I/O voltage and two core
2009-04-23 17:44:281174


Proper Layout and Component Selection Controls EMI Abstract: Understanding the physics of voltage
2009-04-30 10:44:39709

Proper Layout and Component Se

正確的布局和元件選擇控制電磁干擾 Abstract: Understanding the physics of voltage regulator topologies is important
2009-05-04 09:13:221063

可調參考電壓源:Adjustable Voltage Ref

可調參考電壓源:Adjustable Voltage References Adjustable voltage reference circuits are shown in Figures 19, 20, 21, 22. The two ci
2009-05-16 16:10:413131

Understanding the ATE SPI (Ser

Understanding the ATE SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Abstract: Most Maxim® ATE
2009-10-02 21:45:491370

Minimize Voltage Offsets in Pr

Minimize Voltage Offsets in Precision Amplifiers Abstract: Voltage-offset errors in precision
2009-10-03 08:49:351110

How to Use High-Voltage and Hi

How to Use High-Voltage and High-Current-Drive Op Amps in 4–20mA Current-Loop Systems Abstract
2010-02-21 11:45:051576

電壓監視器電路,Voltage Monitor

電壓監視器電路,Voltage Monitor
2010-04-11 09:15:541560

絕版經典:中文版數字信號處理understanding Digital s

電子發燒友網站提供《絕版經典:中文版數字信號處理understanding Digital s.txt》資料免費下載
2014-03-31 22:44:040


Frequency To Voltage Converter電路板設計實例
2016-01-11 17:40:090


Voltage Controlled Oscillator電路設計
2016-01-12 11:14:590

繪圖案例【Circuit Simulation】Voltage

繪圖案例【Circuit Simulation】Voltage Controlled Oscillator
2016-02-16 11:24:260


2016-08-03 17:55:440

Current vs. Voltage Feedback Amp

Current vs. Voltage Feedback Amplifiers
2017-03-24 15:29:401

ESD Protection for Mixed-Voltage IO in Low-Voltage Thin-Oxide CMOS

ESD Protection for Mixed-Voltage IO in Low-Voltage Thin-Oxide CMOS
2017-10-17 11:28:3212

數顯電壓表,Digital Voltage Meter

數顯電壓表,Digital Voltage Meter 關鍵字:數字電壓表電路,數字電壓表制作
2018-09-20 18:31:141395

LTC2949: Current, Voltage, and Charge Monitor for High Voltage Battery Packs Data Sheet

LTC2949: Current, Voltage, and Charge Monitor for High Voltage Battery Packs Data Sheet
2021-01-28 12:49:208

LTC6990: Voltage Controlled Silicon Oscillator

LTC6990: Voltage Controlled Silicon Oscillator
2021-02-04 08:04:023

LTC3649 Demo Circuit - High Voltage Synchronous Buck Regulator with Output Voltage Control (10-60V to 5V @ 4A)

LTC3649 Demo Circuit - High Voltage Synchronous Buck Regulator with Output Voltage Control (10-60V to 5V @ 4A)
2021-02-04 09:01:063

使用Voltage-controlled Voltage Source仿真放大器

在上篇《活學活用 LTspice 進行電路設計 — 用 Behavioral Voltage Sources 創建任意波形》中,我們向大家介紹了如何使用 Behavioral Voltage
2023-04-20 09:43:051107

Voltage-controlled Voltage Source仿真放大器

Voltage-controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) 具有 4 個端?。左側的 2 個端子為輸入端子 (控制端子),可輸出與輸入電壓差成比例的電壓。因此,如果比例常數大于
2023-06-06 09:35:40521

MAX16132-MAX16135: Low-Voltage, Precision, Single/Dual/Triple/Quad-Voltage μP Supervisors Data Sheet MAX16132-MAX16135: Low-Voltage, Precisi

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX16132-MAX16135: Low-Voltage, Precision, Single/Dual/Triple/Quad-Voltage
2023-10-13 18:38:22

MAX6069: 1μA WLP Precision Shunt Voltage Reference Data Sheet MAX6069: 1μA WLP Precision Shunt Voltage Reference Data Sheet

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX6069: 1μA WLP Precision Shunt Voltage Reference Data Sheet相關產品參數、數據手冊,更有
2023-10-16 18:45:26


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