EL8171、EL8172 數據表
2023-06-28 19:11:43
0 EL5173, EL5373 數據表
2023-06-28 18:34:11
0 EL8171、EL8172 數據表
2023-05-09 20:21:38
0 EL5173, EL5373 數據表
2023-05-09 19:43:58
0 EL8170、EL8173 數據表
2023-05-04 18:43:14
0 淺談EL冷光片背光薄膜開關競爭力
2023-03-24 15:44:54
2023-03-10 15:13:49
2013-09-03 16:49:26
維視智造針對性推出基于VisionBank AI深度學習視覺系統的光伏組件視覺檢測,電池片EL檢測,絕緣片定位檢測,接線盒焊接檢測方案,確保生產出穩定可靠的光伏產品,幫助光伏企業實現本增效
2021-06-11 11:42:45
現場,都是必備設備。 組件中的破片多出現在組件封裝過程的焊接和層壓工序,在EL測缺陷試儀中表現為電池片中有黑塊,因為電池片破裂后在電池片破裂部分沒有電流注入,從而導致該部分在EL測試中不發光。 晶體硅太陽電池所采用的硅材
2020-07-27 16:51:52
4028 分布式屋頂電站EL測試儀,又稱分布式電站的場致發光測試,是跟據硅材料的電致發光原理對組件進行缺陷檢測及生產工藝監控的專用測試設備。利用紅外測試方式對電池片組件進行測試,達到EL成像模式,從而可以查看
2020-07-27 16:35:42
內部缺陷的,如斷柵、隱裂、破片、碎片、虛焊、燒結網紋、黑芯、黑邊、混檔、低效率片、邊緣過刻、PID、衰減、熱斑衰減等。 光伏組件EL檢測設備解析 EL英文全稱Electro Luminescence,即電致發光,也可以叫電子發光檢測。通過利用晶體硅的
2020-07-20 16:52:11
4747 EL0630和EL0631是雙通道器件,每個器件都由一個紅外發光二極管組成,光學耦合到具有頻閃輸出的高速集成光電探測器邏輯門。這些設備封裝在一個8針的小外形封裝中,符合標準的SO8封裝。
2019-10-17 08:00:00
8 電致發光背光燈(EL燈)薄,柔韌且堅固,使其成為車輛儀表板夜間背光的理想選擇。 EL燈自20世紀60年代初推出以來已被廣泛使用,但缺乏芯片功能限制了它們在某些市場和應用中的使用。現在,可編程片上系統
2019-10-06 09:11:00
2019-08-20 10:50:28
2019-02-07 08:30:00
EL(electron luminescence)是通過加在兩極的交流電壓產生交流電場,被電場激發的電子撞擊熒光物質引起電子能級的跳躍、變化、復合而發射出高效率冷光的一種物理現象,即電激發光現象。EL冷光燈片(ELLamps)就是利用上述原理,通過特殊工藝而制成的電致發光薄片。
2019-02-07 05:30:00
2017-09-25 14:23:15
27 EL(Electroluminescence) 發光屏是一種電致發光材料發光屏,在結構上,電致發光材料夾在兩個電極之間。它的上電極是一種透明的導電膜,稱為ITO膜(Indium Tin Oxide
2014-10-11 09:34:18
2012-10-31 10:47:47
1675 東芝開發出發光效率高達91lm/W的照明用有機EL(Organic Electro-Luminescence, OEL)元件,作為尺寸達到8cm×7cm的較大面積照明用有機EL元件,實現了非常高的發光效率。
2012-07-23 09:58:47
一、 設備簡介 太陽能電池片工藝缺陷檢測儀(EL-C01),是依據電致發光原理對電池片進行缺陷檢測及生產工藝監控的專用測試設備。 二、 操作步驟 1、 開啟電腦,確認相機USB 接頭與電腦
2012-05-24 09:58:24
31 有機EL的發光原理跟LED極為相似,都是在材料的陰極和陽極加入電壓后,兩極之間產生可以移動的電子和陽子。電子和陽子由于受到電場作用,分別向陽極和陰極移動
2011-02-18 11:29:38
2010-07-28 23:58:01
32 EL發光片的厚度一般小于0.2mm,是由絕緣基底上噴涂了場致發光材料井夾在兩層電極之間組成。EL場致發光燈的供應商可以通過使用不同的發光材料,比如硫化鋅、硫化鈣或硫化鍶,
2010-05-08 10:08:30
44 常用電子管特性與應用(十七)--EL32-EL86系列五極功率電子管:EL32~EL86五極功率電子管最初為歐洲型號,其中有常用的雅號為“一代風流”五極功率電子管EL 34,該管的美國型號即為6
2009-12-06 15:51:04
78 世界最薄燈炮
Pinch是個有趣的嘗試,上面是連通電源的小夾子,下面是有電燈泡圖案的EL(ectro luminescence,電致發光)冷光片,把發光片夾上去,接通
2009-12-04 08:24:43
647 The EL2071 and EL2171 are widebandwidth, fast settling monolithicamplifiers built using
2009-01-17 21:38:07
22 EL1882/EL1
2009-01-17 21:29:15
17 The EL9211, EL9212, and EL9214 feature 1, 2, and 4channel high power output amplifiers.
2009-01-17 21:18:57
9 12MHz Rail-to-Rail Buffers + 100mA VCOM AmplifierThe EL5224, EL5324, and EL5424 feature 8, 10
2009-01-17 21:16:41
12 The EL5127, EL5227, EL5327, and EL5427 are low power,high voltage rail-to-rail input/output buffers
2009-01-17 20:47:10
25 The EL8202, EL8203, and EL8403 represent rail-to-railamplifiers with a -3dB bandwidth of 500MHz
2009-01-17 20:45:47
9 The EL8200, EL8201, and EL8401 represent rail-to-railamplifiers with a -3dB bandwidth of 200MHz
2009-01-17 20:44:36
12 The EL8102, EL8103 represent single rail-to-rail amplifierswith a -3dB bandwidth of 500MHz and slew
2009-01-17 20:42:52
14 The EL8100 and EL8101 represent single rail-to-railamplifiers with a -3dB bandwidth of 200MHz
2009-01-17 20:41:34
7 The EL2250/EL2450 are part of a family of the electronicsindustries fastest single supply op amps
2009-01-17 19:26:19
2 EL2245, EL
2009-01-17 19:21:32
16 EL2244, EL
2009-01-17 18:59:13
56 EL
2009-01-17 18:56:43
22 EL2210, EL
2009-01-17 18:43:12
9 EL2150, EL
2009-01-17 13:13:56
6 The EL5111, EL5211, and EL5411 are low power, high voltage rail-to-rail input-output amplifiers.
2009-01-17 11:35:03
18 The EL5123, EL5223, EL5323, and EL5423 are low power,high voltage rail-to-rail input/output buffers
2009-01-16 21:50:16
12 The EL4430 and EL4431 are videoinstrumentation amplifiers which areideal for line receivers
2009-01-16 21:23:51
12 The EL5611 and EL5811 are low power, high voltage rail-torailinput-output amplifiers targeted
2009-01-16 21:13:30
4 The EL5524, EL5624, EL5724, and EL5824 integrate anumber of gamma reference buffers with a single
2009-01-16 21:10:00
20 The EL5104, EL5105, EL5204, EL5205, and EL5304represent high speed voltage feedback amplifiers
2009-01-16 21:00:19
16 700MHz Slew-Enhanced VFAsThe EL5104, EL5105, EL5204, EL5205, and EL5304represent high speed voltage
2009-01-16 20:59:25
23 The EL5x02 and EL5x03 families represent high-speedVFAs based on a CFA amplifier architecture.
2009-01-16 20:57:55
49 The EL5100, EL5101, and EL5300 represent high-speedvoltage feedback amplifiers based on the current
2009-01-16 20:57:09
18 The EL5174 and EL5374 are single and triple highbandwidth amplifiers with an output in differential
2009-01-16 20:52:34
16 The EL5172 and EL5372 are single and triple highbandwidth amplifiers designed to extract
2009-01-16 20:48:44
23 The EL5171 and EL5371 are single and triple bandwidthamplifiers with an output in differential
2009-01-16 20:47:07
25 The EL5175 and EL5375 are single and triple highbandwidth amplifiers designed to extract
2009-01-16 20:44:30
29 The EL7242/EL7252 dual input, 2-channel drivers achievethe same excellent switching performance
2009-01-16 20:28:18
9 The EL7242/EL7252 dual input, 2-channel drivers achievethe same excellent switching performance
2009-01-16 20:24:16
9 EL7240, EL
2009-01-16 20:18:33
7 The EL7202, EL7212, EL7222 ICs are matched dual-driversthat improve the operation of the industry
2009-01-16 20:16:53
42 The EL5120, EL5220, and EL5420 are low power, highvoltage, rail-to-rail input-output amplifiers.
2009-01-16 19:24:46
14 The EL5210 and EL5410 are low power, high voltage rail-torailinput-output amplifiers. The EL
2009-01-16 19:23:51
16 The EL9200, EL9201, and EL9202 represent programmableVCOM amplifiers for use in TFT-LCD displays.
2009-01-16 08:56:59
9 The EL5129 and EL5329 integrate multiple gamma buffersand a single VCOM buffer for use in large
2009-01-16 08:51:14
13 The EL7640, EL7641, and EL7642 integrate a highperformance boost regulator with 2 LDO controllers
2009-01-16 08:50:42
17 The EL5164, EL5165, and EL5364 are current feedbackamplifiers with a very high bandwidth of 600MHz.
2009-01-16 08:42:43
11 The EL5162, EL5163, EL5262, EL5263, and EL5362 arecurrent feedback amplifiers with a bandwidth
2009-01-16 08:42:04
12 The EL5162, EL5163, EL5262, EL5263, and EL5362 arecurrent feedback amplifiers with a bandwidth
2009-01-16 08:41:35
13 The EL5160, EL5161, EL5260, EL5261, and EL5360 arecurrent feedback amplifiers with a bandwidth
2009-01-16 08:40:36
2 The EL5160, EL5161, EL5260, EL5261, and EL5360 arecurrent feedback amplifiers with a bandwidth
2009-01-16 08:40:03
29 The EL5156, EL5157, EL5256, and EL5257 are 600MHzbandwidth -3dB voltage mode feedback amplifiers
2009-01-16 08:39:06
13 The EL5152, EL5153, EL5252, and EL5455 are 270MHzbandwidth -3dB voltage mode feedback amplifiers
2009-01-16 08:38:25
17 The EL5150, EL5151, EL5250, EL5251, and EL5451 are200MHz bandwidth -3dB voltage mode feedback
2009-01-16 08:37:47
19 The EL5150, EL5151, EL5250, EL5251, and EL5451 are200MHz bandwidth -3dB voltage mode feedback
2009-01-16 08:37:17
13 The EL5134, EL5135, EL5234, and EL5235 are ultra-lowvoltage noise, high speed voltage feedback
2009-01-16 08:36:44
20 The EL5132 and EL5133 are ultra-low voltage noise, highspeed voltage feedback amplifiers
2009-01-16 08:36:08
18 The EL5130 and EL5131 are ultra-low voltage noise, highspeed voltage feedback amplifiers
2009-01-16 08:35:36
10 EL5166, EL
2009-01-16 08:31:35
10 The EL5178 and EL5378 are single and triple highbandwidth amplifiers with an output in differential
2009-01-16 08:18:21
9 The EL9111 and EL9112 are triple channel differentialreceivers and equalizers. They contains three
2009-01-15 21:28:20
16 The EL9111 and EL9112 are triple channel differentialreceivers and equalizers. They contains three
2009-01-15 21:28:20
12 EL5167/EL51661.4GHz Current Feedback Amplifiers with EnableThe EL5166 and EL5167 amplifiers
2008-09-21 23:43:15
9 * EL5104 Macromodel
* Revision A, March 2004
* Connections: +input
* | -input
2008-09-21 23:40:36
22 The EL5134, EL5135, EL5234, and EL5235 are ultra-low voltage noise, high speed voltage feedback
2008-09-21 23:21:27
26 The EL5134, EL5135, EL5234, and EL5235 are ultra-low voltage noise, high speed voltage feedback
2008-09-21 23:20:31
30 The EL5156, EL5157, EL5256, and EL5257 are 600MHz bandwidth -3dB voltage mode feedback amplifiers
2008-09-21 23:19:19
21 The EL5156, EL5157, EL5256, and EL5257 are 600MHz bandwidth -3dB voltage mode feedback amplifiers
2008-09-21 23:17:49
1 The EL5104, EL5105, EL5204, EL5205, and EL5304 represent high speed voltage feedback amplifiers
2008-09-21 23:15:08
25 The EL5104, EL5105, EL5204, EL5205, and EL5304 represent high speed voltage feedback amplifiers
2008-09-21 23:14:02
10 The EL5162, EL5163, EL5262, EL5263, and EL5362 are current feedback amplifiers with a bandwidth
2008-09-21 23:12:48
22 The EL5162, EL5163, EL5262, EL5263, and EL5362 are current feedback amplifiers with a bandwidth
2008-09-21 23:11:52
3 The EL5164, EL5165, and EL5364 are current feedback amplifiers with a very high bandwidth
2008-09-21 23:09:32
27 The EL8102, EL8103 represent single rail-to-rail amplifiers with a -3dB bandwidth of 500MHz
2008-09-21 22:55:14
22 30MHz Rail-to-Rail Input-Output Op AmpsThe EL5210 and EL5410 are low power, high voltage
2008-09-06 19:15:59
17 The EL5111, EL5211, and EL5411 are low power, high voltage rail-to-rail input-output amplifiers.
2008-09-06 19:14:33