五、圖像分類、聚類Image Classification, Clustering
Pyramid Match [1] [Project]
Spatial Pyramid Matching [2] [Code]
Locality-constrained Linear Coding [3] [Project] [Matlab code]
Sparse Coding [4] [Project] [Matlab code]
Texture Classification [5] [Project]
Multiple Kernels for Image Classification [6] [Project]
Feature Combination [7] [Project]
SuperParsing [Code]
Large Scale Correlation Clustering Optimization[Matlab code]
Detecting and Sketching the Common[Project]
Self-Tuning Spectral Clustering[Project][Code]
User Assisted Separation of Reflections from a Single Image Using a Sparsity Prior[Paper][Code]
Filters for Texture Classification[]
Multiple Kernel Learning for Image Classification[Project]
SLIC Superpixels[Project]
六、摳圖Image Matting
A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting [Code]
Spectral Matting [Project]
Learning-based Matting [Code]
七、目標跟蹤Object Tracking:
A Forest of Sensors - Tracking Adaptive Background Mixture Models [Project]
Object Tracking via Partial Least Squares Analysis[Paper][Code]
Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning[Paper][Code]
Online Visual Tracking with Histograms and Articulating Blocks[Project]
Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking[Project]
Real-time Compressive Tracking[Project]
Robust Object Tracking via Sparsity-based Collaborative Model[Project]
Visual Tracking via Adaptive Structural Local Sparse Appearance Model[Project]
Online Discriminative Object Tracking with Local Sparse Representation[Paper][Code]
Superpixel Tracking[Project]
Learning Hierarchical Image Representation with Sparsity, Saliency and Locality[Paper][Code]
Online Multiple Support Instance Tracking [Paper][Code]
Visual Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning[Project]
Object detection and recognition[Project]
Compressive Sensing Resources[Project]
Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking using Pixel-Wise Posteriors[Project]
Tracking-Learning-Detection[Project][OpenTLD/C++ Code]
the HandVu:vision-based hand gesture interface[Project]
Learning Probabilistic Non-Linear Latent Variable Models for Tracking Complex Activities[Project]
Kinect toolbox[Project]
zouxy09 CSDN Blog[Resource]
FingerTracker 手指跟蹤[code]
3D Reconstruction of a Moving Object[Paper] [Code]
Shape From Shading Using Linear Approximation[Code]
Combining Shape from Shading and Stereo Depth Maps[Project][Code]
Shape from Shading: A Survey[Paper][Code]
A Spatio-Temporal Descriptor based on 3D Gradients (HOG3D)[Project][Code]
Multi-camera Scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts[Paper][Code]
A Fast Marching Formulation of Perspective Shape from Shading under Frontal Illumination[Paper][Code]
Reconstruction:3D Shape, Illumination, Shading, Reflectance, Texture[Project]
Monocular Tracking of 3D Human Motion with a Coordinated Mixture of Factor Analyzers[Code]
Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image[Project]
Matlab class for computing Approximate Nearest Nieghbor (ANN) [Matlab class?providing interface toANN library]
Random Sampling[code]
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA)[Code]
FASTANN and FASTCLUSTER for approximate k-means (AKM)[Project]
Fast Intersection / Additive Kernel SVMs[Project]
Ensemble learning[Project]
Deep Learning[Net]
Deep Learning Methods for Vision[Project]
Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten Digits[Project]
Training a deep autoencoder or a classifier on MNIST digits[Project]
THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits[Project]
Ersatz:deep neural networks in the cloud[Project]
Deep Learning [Project]
sparseLM : Sparse Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares in C/C++[Project]
Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java[Project]
Invited talk "A Tutorial on Deep Learning" by Dr. Kai Yu (余凱)[Video]
CNN - Convolutional neural network class[Matlab Tool]
Yann LeCun's Publications[]
LeNet-5, convolutional neural networks[Project]
Training a deep autoencoder or a classifier on MNIST digits[Project]
Deep Learning 大牛Geoffrey E. Hinton's HomePage[Website]
Multiple Instance Logistic Discriminant-based Metric Learning (MildML) and Logistic Discriminant-based Metric Learning (LDML)[]
Sparse coding simulation software[Project]
Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School[Software]