This is the GPL release of MiniGUI V1.6.10. This version has the almost same features as the commercial version MiniGUI-VAR V1.6.10. However, this version has the following limitations:
- It only provides support for Linux, uClinux, and eCos operating systems.
- It only provides support for MiniGUI-Threads runtime mode.
- It only includes font engines for RBF, VBF, and QPF font types.
- It only provides support for the following char sets/encodings: ISO8859-1, GB2312, BIG5, UNICODE UTF-8, and UNICODE UTF-16.
- It does not include any built-in input method.
- It only includs GAL engines of Dummy, FBCON, QVFB, CommLCD, and Shadow.
- It only includs IAL engines of Dummy, Console, QVFB, CommInput, Custome, Auto, and Random.
This package includes several samples based on MiniGUI. The goal of the package is to show the functions of MiniGUI through several important demo solutions and typical applications. eHomeSample is a sample for intelligent home system. IndustrialSample is an industrial demo which includes three sub-samples: radar, meter, and oscillometer. MedicalSample is an example for medical equipments. NewSTBSample shows a solution for Set Top Box. mGPoint is a program like PowerPoint, though it can only display picture and text currently. mGPaint is an application like paint program in Windows.
To download the package of Samples for MiniGUI, please click here:
This package contains some games which run on MiniGUI. The games released in this package are listed as follow: Bomb is a game like Windows minesweeper. Housekeeper is classic puzzle game. Same is a simple game. The player should try his best to remove balls which are adjacent to each other in four direction and in the same color.
To download the package of Samples for MiniGUI, please click here:
libminigui-1.6.10.tar.gz This is source code tarball of MiniGUI V1.6.10.??
minigui-res-1.6.10.tar.gz The resource tarball of MiniGUI V1.6.10, it contains the basic fonts, cursors, icons, and bitmaps used by MiniGUI V1.6.10.??
mg-samples-1.6.10.tar.gz The samples for MiniGUI V1.6.10.??
mde-1.6.10.tar.gz MDE is a demonstration package for MiniGUI V1.6.10.
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