標簽 > trinamic
文章:94個 瀏覽:52520次 帖子:16個
型號 | 描述 | 數據手冊 | 參考價格 |
TMC2041-LA(Stepper Driver Ics) | TRINAMIC公司宣布推出集成了MOSFET電源開關的新型雙軸步進電機驅動器: TMC2041。電機電源電壓為26V時電流可達到1.5A峰值電流,適用從NEMA 8到NEMA 17的電機驅動。Trinamic的高性能spreadCycle?斬波器,可實現精確平穩的電機操作,另外使用coolStep?可節能75%。 |
MCM-MOTOR | MCM-MOTOR - Evaluation Base board for TMCM-100, TMCM-301, TMCM-302 or TMCM-303 - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD4-116-60-SE | PD4-116-60-SE - 60mm/NEMA24 Stepper Motor with Controller/Driver, with Encoder and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD4-113-60-SE | PD4-113-60-SE - 57mm/NEMA23 or 60mm/NEMA24 Stepper Motor with Controller/Driver with Encoder and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD3-163-42 | PD3-163-42 - 42mm/NEMA17 High Performance BLDC Motor with Controller/Driver and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD3-140-42-SE | PD3-140-42-SE - 42mm/NEMA17 Stepper Motor with Controller/Driver, Encoderand Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD3-113-57-SE | PD3-113-57-SE - 57mm/NEMA23 or 60mm/NEMA24 Stepper Motor with Controller/Driver with Encoder and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD3-110-42 | PD3-110-42 - 42mm / NEMA17 Stepper Motor with Controller / Driver and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD3-109-57 | PD3-109-57 - 57mm / NEMA23 Stepper Motor with Controller / Driver and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD3-108-28-SE | PD3-108-28-SE - 28mm / NEMA11 Stepper Motor with Controller / Driver and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD3-013-42 | PD3-013-42 - 42mm / NEMA17 Stepper Motor with Step / DirectionDriver - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD2-113-60-SE | PD2-113-60-SE - 57mm/NEMA23 or 60mm/NEMA24 Stepper Motor with Controller/Driver with Encoder and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD2-113-57-SE | PD2-113-57-SE - 57mm/NEMA23 or 60mm/NEMA24 Stepper Motor with Controller/Driver with Encoder and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD2-013-42 | PD2-013-42 - 42mm / NEMA17 Stepper Motor with Step / DirectionDriver - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD1-013-42 | PD1-013-42 - 42mm / NEMA17 Stepper Motor with Step / DirectionDriver - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-170_1 | PD-170_1 - 57mm BLDC Motor with Intelligent Electronics and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-170-57 | PD-170-57 - 57mm diameter BLDC Encoder Motor with Controller/Driver and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-116-60-SE | PD-116-60-SE - 60mm/NEMA24 Stepper Motor with Controller/Driver, with Encoder and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-110 | PD-110 - Start in Trinamic′s Schrittmotorsysteme - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-109 | PD-109 - High power stepper motor motion system - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-108-28 | PD-108-28 - 28mm / NEMA11 Stepper Motor with Controller / Driver and Serial Interface - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-013-42 | PD-013-42 - 42mm / NEMA17 Stepper Motor with Step / DirectionDriver - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
PD-013 | PD-013 - Erste Schritte mit dem Schrittmotormodul - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
USB-2-X | USB-2-X - USB to CAN,IIC,RS485,SPI,LIN Interface Converter - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
USB-2-485 | USB-2-485 - USB to RS485 Interface Converter with Virtual COM Port Driver - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMCM-SG | TMCM-SG - 3-Axis Controller/Driver 1.1A/34V - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMCM-EVAL | TMCM-EVAL - Evaluation Base board for TMCM-100, TMCM-301, TMCM-302 or TMCM-303 - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMCM-611-SG-CAN | TMCM-611-SG-CAN - 6-Axis Controller/Driver 1.1A/34V with Encoder Inf for 19“ Rack - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMCM-610 | TMCM-610 - 6-Axis Controller/Driver 1.1A/34V - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMCM-351 | TMCM-351 - 3-Axis Controller/Driver 2.8A/24V Optional Encoder Interface Optional CANopen Firmware - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
電機控制 | DSP | 氮化鎵 | 功率放大器 | ChatGPT | 自動駕駛 | TI | 瑞薩電子 |
BLDC | PLC | 碳化硅 | 二極管 | OpenAI | 元宇宙 | 安森美 | ADI |
無刷電機 | FOC | IGBT | 逆變器 | 文心一言 | 5G | 英飛凌 | 羅姆 |
直流電機 | PID | MOSFET | 傳感器 | 人工智能 | 物聯網 | NXP | 賽靈思 |
步進電機 | SPWM | 充電樁 | IPM | 機器視覺 | 無人機 | 三菱電機 | ST |
伺服電機 | SVPWM | 光伏發電 | UPS | AR | 智能電網 | 國民技術 | Microchip |
開關電源 | 步進電機 | 無線充電 | LabVIEW | EMC | PLC | OLED | 單片機 |
5G | m2m | DSP | MCU | ASIC | CPU | ROM | DRAM |
NB-IoT | LoRa | Zigbee | NFC | 藍牙 | RFID | Wi-Fi | SIGFOX |
Type-C | USB | 以太網 | 仿真器 | RISC | RAM | 寄存器 | GPU |
語音識別 | 萬用表 | CPLD | 耦合 | 電路仿真 | 電容濾波 | 保護電路 | 看門狗 |
CAN | CSI | DSI | DVI | Ethernet | HDMI | I2C | RS-485 |
SDI | nas | DMA | HomeKit | 閾值電壓 | UART | 機器學習 | TensorFlow |
Arduino | BeagleBone | 樹莓派 | STM32 | MSP430 | EFM32 | ARM mbed | EDA |
示波器 | LPC | imx8 | PSoC | Altium Designer | Allegro | Mentor | Pads |
OrCAD | Cadence | AutoCAD | 華秋DFM | Keil | MATLAB | MPLAB | Quartus |
C++ | Java | Python | JavaScript | node.js | RISC-V | verilog | Tensorflow |
Android | iOS | linux | RTOS | FreeRTOS | LiteOS | RT-THread | uCOS |
DuerOS | Brillo | Windows11 | HarmonyOS |