This is the final episode for VR:UX, and in it we'....
Eric presented three different case studies of com....
At one point in the conversation, Mike Kuniavsky a....
Early Innovation AI project for Student Ambassador....
This talk presents recent work in high-fidelity vi....
The Channeler is an experimental puzzle game, that....
Play as Kaia, a young owl that has been separated ....
Sundered is a horrifying fight for survival and sa....
This is a short peek at the kinds of conversations....
Demo: Large protein analysis provides insight into....
英特爾開放技術中心MinnowBoard項目的布道者John Hawley討論了他和他的團隊采用的開....
Jim Chase和Nathan Seidle解釋了為什么他們有合作的動機,以及他們的技能是如何互補....
In this episode, we are talking with Justin Lassen....
360° 8K Video Powered by Intel Workstations
Empowering Cloud
In the final session, we discuss receptiveness to ....
在VR UX這一集中,學習如何通過建立物理基礎來增加用戶的舒適性、安全性和沉浸在環境中。
Autodesk的Marcel de Jong演示了Mudbox paintbrush——Maya ....
Innovator Lab - Sacramento IOT - Incubator Challen....
Jeff Rous首次在DirectX 12的工作標題上展示了虛擬引擎4中的AVSM技術。
Video demo of implementing order independent trans....
Video Quality Caliper Advanced Features
Memory Access 101.